
Welcome to EBG | Community an Online Gathering for you who have joined an EBG | Summit

Since 2010, EBG | Network have enabled limited seats, moderator led round table discussions. As of now EBG offer all meeting at an EBG summit to stay together also after the summit ended. You are free to join groups which topics interests you

EBG | Summits are focused but not limited to peers and experts working with sourcing, procurement, finance and process design

Welcome Back Anna Bjärkerud!
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Why Join EBG | Community?

EBG | Network bring together people based on what interests them. Imagine the power of stating in touch. Of continuing to learn from each other. Here you can. And it is only for you who join an EBG | Summit or for someone being invited by a person having attended an EBG | Summit. The only demand is that you too bring knowledge to the groups.

Connect With People all over the World

Since EBG | Community is an online gathering, people from across the globe can come together.

Join CPO Outlook 2023 | October 18th & 19th | Stockholm

How does it Work?

After attending an EBG | Summit you will be invited to join EBG | Community at no extra cost and choose to take part in any of the groups created. It is of course optional to register to join. If you do – create your profile and start the exchange!

Find People sharing Your Same Interests

Are you in charge of a large transformation project? Seeking new technology solutions? Looking for competences to your team?

EBG | Community

EBG Summit Reviews

EBG | Community was created April 2021 but EBG | Summits have been held since 2010. Below what people have thought about EBG gatherings.

Best digital conference I have attended!

A well invested day, technology worked well! But how I miss to meet IRL. Usually those coffee breaks and lunches gives you good networking that I missed. But during circumstances – the best digital conference I have attended.


Very good!

Very good! Joined the 1st time, but already got to now many experts

#adidas AG


EXCELLENT! such a great job, you are amazing hosts thanks so much for all you do

#Bristol Myers Squibb

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